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Rowley Leigh's artichauts à la barigoule

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Serves 6

Step 1
Break and pull the stalks of the artichokes away from the heads, pulling the tough fibres away with them.

Step 2
With a sharp serrated knife, cut the artichokes across the middles, removing the tops of the leaves but approximately 1cm above the level of the hearts.

Step 3
Likewise cut across the base, revealing the hearts and rub very well with half a lemon.

Step 4
With a small sharp knife and a circular action, trim away the leaves from around the base so that the heart is fully exposed and continue to rub periodically with the lemon.

Step 5
Continue until all the artichokes have well-rounded hearts and a crown of tender leaves above.

Step 6
Boil these in well salted water for 15 minutes and then allow to cool.

Step 7
Finely chop the shallot and garlic and soften for 10 minutes in 1 tbsp of the olive oil on a gentle heat.

Step 8
Finely chop the mushrooms and add to the pan.

Step 9
Season well and add a couple of sprigs of thyme and stew gently until the mushrooms render their liquid and the mixture forms a sort of paste.

Step 10
Allow to cool.

Step 11
Once the artichokes have cooled, remove the chokes from the centres – this is best done by hand, pushing down and away with the thumb until the choke gives and can be lifted out.

Step 12
Make sure every hair of choke is gone and then replace with a spoonful of the stuffing mixture.

Step 13
Pour the white wine into a sauté pan with 4 tbsp of olive oil, some more thyme, the peppercorns, 3 bay leaves and a good pinch of salt.

Step 14
Stand the artichokes upright in this mixture, cover with greaseproof paper and bring to a boil.

Step 15
Cook for 15 minutes and allow to cool.