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Tabbouleh – parsley and mint salad with burghul

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Serves 6

Step 1
Wash the mint and parsley if necessary and dry well.

Step 2
Remove stems and chop (a food processor will do this well, but be careful that you do not turn them to a mush).

Step 3
Soak the burghul in cold water for 10 minutes, drain and press to remove excess water.

Step 4
Put it in a bowl and add salt and pepper and some of the lemon juice and the olive oil.

Step 5
Let it absorb the dressing for about ½ an hour or until it is tender.

Step 6
Just before serving, add the burghul to the chopped parsley, a little at a time, just enough for a speckled effect.

Step 7
Add the spring onions, seasonings and more dressing to taste and mix well.

Step 8
The salad should be distinctly sharp with lavish quantities of lemon.

Step 9
Serve on a large, flat plate or individual small ones, surrounded if you like by the pale crisp leaves from the heart of the Cos lettuce to be used as a scoop.