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Chicory with crab and samphire

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Serves four as a starter

Step 1
Bring a small pan of water to a boil, add the samphire and blanch for 30 seconds.

Step 2
Drain, refresh and pat dry.

Step 3
Cut into 1cm lengths, then place in a medium bowl.

Step 4
Add the remaining ingredients, apart from the chicory leaves, then a good crack of pepper.

Step 5
Stir gently and spoon into the leaves.

Step 6
Don't throw away the fronds, either: they are a lovely garnish, both to look at and to eat.

Step 7
It's also delicious just to cut the top off a whole head, wrap in foil and roast, then squeeze out and mash the cloves into mayonnaise.

Step 8
Whip together 3 tbsp each of double and sour cream with a half-teaspoon of icing sugar, and spoon on top of each jelly once it's set in the glass.

Step 9
Grate coarsely and mix with blanched spinach leaves, toasted pine nuts, beaten egg and breadcrumbs, then form into patties and shallow-fry.

Step 10
Or blitz sorrel leaves and yoghurt with Dijon mustard and crushed garlic, and spoon on top of the cheese for a simple lunch.

Step 11
Braised little gems make a gorgeous dish, too – fry sliced garlic and spring onions, then add the gems (quartered, halved or whole) and wilt in a broth; if you want, add a few podded broad beans and peas, a little thyme and fresh mint, and serve with rice or bulgur.

Step 12
Cook as you would asparagus: blanch quickly, toss with olive oil and serve with fish.