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Bak ed turbot

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Serves 4

Step 1
Heat the oven to 240C/465F/gas 9 and put a large baking tray inside.

Step 2
Put the turbot on a chopping board, dark side up, and score diagonal slashes heavily across the skin.

Step 3
Fold the bay leaves lengthways and insert them into the slashes.

Step 4
Once the tray is very hot, remove from the oven and drizzle it with oil.

Step 5
Put the fish on the tray and squeeze over the lemon juice, then add another drizzle of oil and a good scattering of salt over the top.

Step 6
Put the fish in the oven and roast for 20 minutes.

Step 7
Once the turbot is out of the oven, scatter the butter over the fish and leave it to melt, then sprinkle over the tarragon.

Step 8
Serve the turbot butter from the roasting dish drizzled over any vegetable sides.

Step 9
The best way to eat the turbot is to use a blunt knife to gently ease the flesh away from the bones, top layer first, then, once that has all gone, pick up the fish by the tail and turn it over to do the same with the underside.