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Pear and hazelnut galette (main picture)

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Serves 10

For the syrup

For the frangipane

Step 1
The skin is easily removed: roast lightly in a moderate oven, tip into a waiting towel and rub vigorously, as if they had just been plucked from the North Sea.

Step 2
Peel of 1 lemon in strips, as for a martini.

Step 3
First, prepare the poaching syrup.

Step 4
Put all the syrup ingredients into a heavy-bottomed pan.

Step 5
Put this on a high heat and bring to a boil.

Step 6
Reduce the heat, simmering for just 1 minute, then keep warm until needed.

Step 7
Peel the pears.

Step 8
Add the juice of 2 lemons to a bowl.

Step 9
Roll each peeled pear in the lemon juice to prevent any unseemly discolouring.

Step 10
Once all are done, put each pear and any lemon juice still in the bowl into the syrup.

Step 11
Return the pot to the boil, then lower the heat until the pan is simmering.

Step 12
Cut a generous disc of silicone paper to lay upon the pears ensuring that none bob upon the surface, cooking unevenly.

Step 13
A plate over the paper might help, keeping a beady eye that it does not slip beneath the surface.

Step 14
They will certainly take at least 40 minutes on a gentle simmer, requiring a check every few minutes thereafter.

Step 15
The final check is made by inserting a sharp knife – should the flesh yield, the pears are cooked.

Step 16
Once cooked, let the pears cool, remaining covered in the syrup.

Step 17
Once cooled, remove the plate, but keep the silicone paper atop.

Step 18
Meanwhile, make the frangipane.

Step 19
First, grind (or chop) the 200g of hazelnuts quite coarsely, then put them to one side in a bowl.

Step 20
Beat the softened butter with the sugar, preferably using a kitchen mixer, until thoroughly combined and beginning to turn pale.

Step 21
Crack the eggs into a cup and beat well with a fork.

Step 22
Reduce the speed of the mixer, then add the egg to the bowl in a slow and careful stream.

Step 23
Once thoroughly combined, add the chopped hazelnuts and vanilla seeds reserved from making the syrup.

Step 24
Stir this well, then transfer the mixture into another bowl, cover and refrigerate.

Step 25
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6.

Step 26
Remove the pears from the syrup.

Step 27
Cut each pear in half, then remove the core and cut in half again.

Step 28
Repeat until you have a beautiful heap of quartered pears.

Step 29
Have ready a baking sheet – the largest your oven can accommodate.

Step 30
Lightly dust a cool work surface with flour.

Step 31
Begin rolling out the pastry, bearing in mind the shape and size of your baking sheet.

Step 32
During the final few rolls, strew the pastry with the caster sugar and finish rolling out, crushing the sugar into the pastry.

Step 33
Transfer the pastry to the baking sheet – the easiest way being to roll the pastry on to the rolling pin and then unravel it on to the baking sheet.

Step 34
Scoop out spoonfuls of the frangipane and dot evenly over the pastry, keeping a good 2cm border at the edges – vital for rising and keeping the frangipane from making a bid for freedom over the edges.

Step 35
Lay the quarters of pear over the frangipane in a random manner.

Step 36
Slide the prepared galette on its baking sheet into the oven.

Step 37
Turn the heat down to 180C/350F/gas mark 4 and cook for 20 minutes, or until puffed and golden.

Step 38
Reduce the heat further to 150C/300F/gas mark 2 and cook for a further 30-35 minutes, or until bronzed.

Step 39
When the galette has cooled somewhat, warm the fruit jelly with the juice of the remaining lemon.

Step 40
When melted and smooth, brush this over the galette and strew with the remaining chopped hazelnuts.

Step 41
Serve warm with the best, thickest jersey cream.