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Claudia Roden’s baked kibbeh

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Serves 3-4

Step 1
If my onions are in a large plastic bag, then I transfer them to brown paper bags or loose-weave canvas or mesh shopping bags.

Step 2
And if you’re caramelising onions, then you’ll need some 40 minutes of slow cooking with constant stirring to prevent the onions from burning.

Step 3
Rinse the couscous in a fine-meshed sieve under cold running water.

Step 4
Drain well.

Step 5
Set aside.

Step 6
Puree the onion in a food processor.

Step 7
Add the meat, seasoning and spices to the food processor and continue to blend until it has become a rough paste.

Step 8
Tip the paste into a large bowl.

Step 9
Add the drained couscous and knead until well-combined.

Step 10
Heat the oven to 180C/Gas Mark 4.

Step 11
Lightly oil a baking tray.

Step 12
Form the paste into burger patties.

Step 13
(I used a deep cookie cutter to do this) Place on the baking tray and brush with a little oil.

Step 14
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until cooked through.

Step 15
Smooth the paste in a brownie tray or oven-proof dish.

Step 16
Oil as above and lightly score the top (as it will make cutting the baked kibbeh easier before serving).

Step 17
Bake for the kibbeh for longer – about 40 to 45 minutes.

Step 18
Cut into slices before serving.

Step 19
Add lightly toasted, chopped pine nuts to the paste mixture before baking.