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Yoghurt panna cotta with honey and walnuts

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Serves 7-8

Step 1
If you plan to unmould the panna cotta, coat a 25cm round cake pan or smaller dessert cups with a little oil.

Step 2
Put the water in a small bowl.

Step 3
Stir in the gelatin and set aside until it has softened – about 15 minutes.

Step 4
Whisk together all of the yoghurt and 250ml of the milk, cream or mixture thereof.

Step 5
Bring the remaining milk or cream and sugar to a simmer.

Step 6
Stir in the water-gelatin mixture (it will dissolve immediately) and remove from heat.

Step 7
Whisk this mixture into the yoghurt mixture, then stir in the lemon juice at the end.

Step 8
Pour the mixture into the cake pan or smaller cups, then chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours for small cups and up to 8 for a large pan.

Step 9
To unmould the cake pan, fill a larger baking dish with 3cm boiling water.

Step 10
Dip the pan in it for 10 seconds, then flip it out on to a flat, round plate.

Step 11
(A curved one will cause the panna cotta to appear sunken in the middle)To unmold smaller dishes, bring a small saucepan of water to a simmer and dip the bottom of a small panna cotta cup in one for five seconds, then invert it on to a plate.

Step 12
Repeat with remaining cups.

Step 13
Right before you serving, sprinkle the panna cotta with walnuts and drizzle it with honey.

Step 14
This needs to be done right before you serve it, because the honey will (unfortunately) become liquidy and roll off if it, should it sit on the panna cotta for too long.