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White peach and blackberry tart

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For the pastry

For the filling

Step 1
Look for little fruit as they’ll cook quicker in the tart and big ones may need to be trimmed if the halves are too tall.

Step 2
The halves should be level with the pastry top.

Step 3
Prepare your pastry in a food processor.

Step 4
Blend flour, butter and salt until it forms a sand-like texture.

Step 5
Add water, a tablespoon at a time, until the mixture begins to come together.

Step 6
(You can do this without a processor, just rub the butter and flour together until it forms the sand-like texture then add the water and mix).

Step 7
The dough should form a ball when pressed together.

Step 8
Cover in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

Step 9
Prepare your tart tin by greasing with a little butter.

Step 10
Flour your rolling pin and your surface.

Step 11
Roll out the pastry, making sure to flip it regularly to make sure it doesn’t stick to the surface.

Step 12
When it’s a circle bigger than your tart tin, taking into account its sides, lift the pastry gently over the tin.

Step 13
(A good trick here is to gently roll the pastry around the rolling pin, then out again over the tin) Press the pastry into the tin.

Step 14
Roll the rolling pin over the edges to cut the excess pastry neatly off.

Step 15
Cover in cling film and refrigerate the pastry, in the tin, for half an hour.

Step 16
This will stop your pastry shrinking in the oven.

Step 17
(You could do this stage the day before) Preheat the oven to 190C.

Step 18
Blind bake your pastry for 15 minutes, with baking paper weighted with beans or rice.

Step 19
After 15 minutes take off the baking paper and beans and cook the pastry shell until golden, about 15 minutes more.

Step 20
Remove from the oven and cool.

Step 21
Turn your oven up to 200C.

Step 22
Mix together the eggs, cream, sugar and vanilla.

Step 23
Sprinkle the nuts over the tart base.

Step 24
Arrange your peaches face up, and dot the blackberries over and in between the peaches.

Step 25
Pour the creamy mixture over the fruit, making sure to get some liquid where the pits were in the peaches.

Step 26
Transfer carefully to the oven and bake on 200C for 20 minutes.

Step 27
After 20 minutes turn the oven down to 180 and cook for another half an hour, or until the tart looks firm, the tops of the peaches are golden, caramelised and beautiful.

Step 28
Remove from the oven and allow to cool before serving.

Step 29
Refrigerate if you’d like the slices firm and easy to cut.