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Maris piper potatoes

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Step 1
Oil for deep frying.

Step 2
Soak the dried marrowfat peas overnight, not forgetting to add the large pellet of “bicarb” that comes in the box.

Step 3
Drain the peas, add fresh water and cook slowly until all structural integrity is lost.

Step 4
Hand-cut the potatoes into chips.

Step 5
Don’t rinse the chips but lay them out on a clean tea towel to dry.

Step 6
Heat the oil in your fryer to 140C/ 275F.

Step 7
You can check this with a probe thermometer or by dropping a chip in to see whether it bubbles and floats up.

Step 8
Nan checked the temperature by looking at the oil sternly.

Step 9
Fry the chips for around 8 minutes or until they have a blond, bubbly skin.

Step 10
Remove and drain thoroughly.

Step 11
Remove the tin of corned beef from the fridge and ply the “key” provided.

Step 12
Raise the temperature of the oil to 165C/330F and refry the chips for 4 minutes or until browned and gorgeous.

Step 13
To plate, lay out three 5mm slices of corned beef, fanned out but not touching anything else that might be hot (see #5 above).

Step 14
Stack the chips until they look like they might fall over the edge.

Step 15
Fill any disheartening white space with mushy peas.