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Homemade walnut whips (main picture)

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Makes 12

For the cake base

For the marshmallow

For the milk chocolate ganache

Step 1
To make the cakes, follow the method for the financiers recipe.

Step 2
Instead of baking them in financier moulds, use a mini cupcake tray greased with a little melted butter.

Step 3
For the marshmallow, have your electric mixer with the whisk attachment ready.

Step 4
Measure all the ingredients into the metal bowl of the mixer and put over a pan of boiling water (do not let the water touch the bottom of the bowl or it will cook the egg whites).

Step 5
Hand-whisk continuously until the sugar dissolves and the mixture is very warm to the touch.

Step 6
If using a sugar thermometer, whisk continuously for 2 minutes, or until it reads 70-75C – whichever comes first.

Step 7
Transfer the bowl to your electric mixer and whisk quickly until nearly stiff peaks form.

Step 8
Put the mixture in a piping bag with a large round nozzle.

Step 9
Pipe large blobs on to your cooled cakes, or use a spoon.

Step 10
To make the ganache, break the chocolate into small pieces and put in a heatproof bowl.

Step 11
Heat the cream until just bubbling, then pour it over the chocolate.

Step 12
Let it sit for 10 minutes, then stir until smooth.

Step 13
Drizzle over the walnut whips.

Step 14
Top with a walnut.

Step 15
Let them set for 15 minutes before serving.